LAN_4344Profesionismul si dedicarea profesionistilor IT romani nu mai sunt de mult noutati pentru nimeni. Suntem apreciati la nivel international, insa cuvintele de lauda sunt intotdeauna foarte binevenite.

Iata asadar cum si in aceasta saptamana colegii nostri stelari primesc aprecieri numai bune de notat in jurnalul de bord, din partea clientilor nostri din afara tarii:


 Aprecieri pentru locotenentul sef stelar Alin F. si  locotenentul junior stelar Vlad M.:


 Hi Guys,

 Just want to say thanks for your help with this yesterday. We had a last minute presentation to the client for one of our releases and the site was running embarrassingly slow when we checked in the morning.

 Thanks to the increase in resources and Zdenek’s advice on caching when it came to the presentation in the afternoon things were much better (some pages loading up to 10 seconds faster) and the feedback we got from the client was very positive.

 Thanks again, Richard. “  (S. company)


Aprecieri pentru locotenentul comandantul stelar Claudiu P.:

Quick and professional


Aprecieri pentru locotenentul sef stelar Vlad M.:

Exactly what I needed :)”

Felicitari, stelarilor!

 Cu oameni ca voi vom face ca viziunea noastra sa se materializeze cu viteza 10 warp!