We expanded  the Star Team Digital Library with new books, that will provide our colleagues new opportunities to improve their skills and find new information in areas that interest them.


To expand the titles we already have in our library (over 200), we chose on this occasion some practical  series, HBR 20-Minute Manager Series, which is composed of books designed to help readers acquire essential skills for career, such as: time management, effective management of meetings, facilitating creativity in the team, achieving performance evaluations, learning basic skills in finance etc.


Any professional who aspires to develop his professional and personal side can quickly get tips and ideas from a reputable source, Harvard Business Review.


New books purchased in the Digital Library:

  1. Managing Time

Time is an important resource and its efficient management is defining our productivity and results. Managing Time offeres tips for how to spend our time, planning tasks, postponing or avoiding prioritizing tasks.

  1. Running Meetings

Every time we organize a meeting, we should go through several steps through which we ensure that each meeting will be efficient and enjoyable for all participants. The guide offers basic ideas for creating an agenda, ensuring that all members are “heared” or taking the best decisions.

  1. Innovative Teams

Creativity should not be left to those whom we consider creative in the company! We are all creative and providing a good environment for creativity inside the team is beneficial for solving problems, creating innovative product and a better cooperation and communication between team members.


Other available ebooks in our library, from HBR 20-Minute Manager are: Performance ReviewManaging UP,Finance BasicsDelegating Work.