Tablouri Sala Dale Carnegie-10

This week, our colleagues, Mihai, Daniela, Simona and Marina staged  the principle that advise us to arouse in the other the desire to act.


Through antithesis, our colleagues surprised others reactions when we launch them a challenge or ask them to help us in a project, depending on the way we sell our idea.


Most often, the discussions where one persons’s interest is the most important will end up with the others refusal to offer their help. Those who are only interested in what they want and do not care about what others want will never arouse in others the desire to act, but on the contrary, will chase them.


However, when we begin a conversation presenting the advantages and disadvantages for  our interlocutor, we get much easier his cooperation and help. In any relationship we establish, we can easily notice  that the other will be excited and interested in our proposal only when we communicate the benefits he can get.


“Dacă există vreun secret al succesului”, a spus Henry Ford, “el se află în abilitatea de a înțelege punctul de vedere al celeilalte personae și de a vedea lucrurile atât din perspectiva sau, cât și din a ta”. Acest principiu este atât de ușor de aplicat, a spus Dale Carnegie, și totuși, 90% dintre oameni îl ignoră în 90% din timp.


“If there is any secret of success, it lies in the ability to understand the other person’s point of view and see things from both your and his perspective “. This principle is so easy to apply, said Dale Carnegie, yet 90% of people are ignoring it 90% of the time.