LAN_0882 (Custom)“Any problem can be solved if there is time and funds.” Lerman’s Law of Technology


A fruitful collaboration means expanding the availability for our customers, so that they know they have a trusted partner that can always rely on. An example to follow was offered by our colleague, Victor Neagu, who is a system administrator of the travel agency C.T.


As our colleague enjoy an increased confidence from the client and his assistance and knowledge have a major impact on his work, Victor was asked to participate with the agency in a tourism fair. Thus, our colleague has offered his expertise outside normal working hours, from Friday to Sunday.


Because everything had to be in perfect order to participate in tourism fair, Victor’s mission was to set up a network of 20 computers and to provide assistance in case of need. Thus, Victor stayed besides the client during the fair, and the client was satisfied with this extended availability.


In addition to this stellar situation, early next week, Victor was asked to go to Corfu, Greece, for a special mission. Of course, our colleague was prompt and assertive to this proposal and went straight to other galaxies in order to carry out the entrusted mission.


In Corfu, the agency needed to configure and connect 2 computers to the server in Bucharest for a partner hotel. Victor, through his intervention and effort to go to Greece, offered the client the assurance that everything would work perfectly and there would be no problems.


We are glad that due to colleagues as Victor, our clients benefit from expertise even outside normal program, in emergency situations or important to their business.


Congratulations to Lieutenant Victor for his willingness and good cooperation that has established with partners he takes care of. With such stellar colleagues, we can go anywhere we want!