Tablouri Sala Dale Carnegie-03

“You can make more friends in two months  by being interested in other people than in two years by trying  to make other people become interested in you.”

According to this principle, we can easily notice that the most popular people are those who have developed a sincere interest for those around them. We all have passions, desires or problems and we want that when we meet another person he is interested in what we want and we feel.

Instead, those who speak only about themselves and their interests will never be able to attract others, to sell an idea or to become a role model. In an attempt to please, these people will succeed only to alienate others.

Developing a sincere interest to others, we can get so many benefits! In the professional environment, we will have more cooperation and better communication with business partners or coworkers if we can know him better. The secret is to make others feel important by showing that we are constantly interested in their aspirations and concerns, not just when we want to achieve something.

To illustrate the 4th principle of Dale Carnegie, our colleagues Ana and Simona, played a sketch which was inspired by a real situation.